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Planday – ISAE 3000/SOC 2
Planday has successfully achieved an ISAE 3000 | SOC 2 statement which demonstrates the commitment from Planday to its customers and other stakeholders about the importance of data privacy and the value of information and cybersecurity in their strategy, governance, and their day-to-day operations.
Datacenters and SOC 1?
Should service organizations that make use of a SOC 1-compliant data center be SOC1 compliant? The answer is simple; if a service organization processes data with a financial impact on behalf of the customer, it should be SOC compliant. Internal controls should be implemented logical access, security, and processing of customers’ data.
Nationaal Hypotheek loket
Nationaal Hypotheek Loket received an ISAE 3402 Type 1 statement and demonstrates that the processes surrounding mortgage application and risk management are controlled.
How to find a good accountant
It is important to find an accountant that suits you and your organisation. With the tips listed below, we will help you simplify your search for a good accountant.
Capital Value Acquires ISAE 3402
Capital Value Assessments has been awarded the ISAE 3402 Type I certificate. This makes Capital Value the first valuation organisation to have integrated ISAE 3402 with the guidelines of the Netherlands Property Valuers Register (NRVT).
Dataplace achieves the ISAE 3402 type II statement
Dataplace, leading provider of carrier-neutral data centre services, is one of the first data centres in the Netherlands to have the ISAE 3402 type II statement.